You know them: health care workers, firemen, police, truckers, grocery store workers—just some of the dedicated people on the front lines who help to keep our country running…and keep us healthy and safe. During this time of crisis, they are on call and need our support and appreciation.

Join Davidson Scottish Arts Academy on Easter Sunday, April 12, at 2:00 pm (CDT) for ‘Bagpipes for the Brave’ to honor these key individuals through our art. Take your pipes (or drums) and go out on your porch, a fire station or police station, or even to the local nursing home or hospital grounds, and show your support through your music.

Please share this invitation with other pipers and drummers. And, if we’d love it if you could share your photos and videos of your performance on this event’s discussion page. Be safe and stay the course.

Thank you for your support!

Here is the link to the Facebook Event page:

Or… if you don’t have Facebook, you can email your videos to us at, and we can post them for you!

Yours aye,

The Faculty and Staff of Davidson Scottish Arts Academy